Image - Henri T

There is no one in the world more fit than myself to be laughed at!

Taking its name from the autobiography of gender revolutionary Charlotte Charke, this show is soaked in bathos and self-deprecation. The queer community are often the first to enjoy the ironies and absurdities of their lives, and humour is a great healer. Through songs and comedy we provoke the audience to take a look at their failings and laugh them into successes. Two great songs bookend the show, in The Tragic Ballad of Charlotte Charke, I chart the fascinating history of this queer icon with help from the great tragi-comedians of the stage, puppets. To round us off, Robyn Herfellow’s gorgeous and soulful Is there no one more fit than myself to be laughed at? says it all. Performances have included magnificent clowning by the likes of Lavinia Co-op, Dani Dinger, Lavender O’Doherty and Miss Hernia.

Past performances

28th July 2021 | The Bethnal Green Working Mens’ Club (London)


Robyn Herfellow | Margaret Leppard | Willa Faulkner | Dan Smith | Ben Sumner | Rod Oughton | Vyvycious | Lavinia Co-op

17th November 2022 | The Bethnal Green Working Mens’ Club (London)


Robyn Herfellow | Margaret Leppard | Dani Dinger | Ben Sumner | Dan Smith | Vyvycious | Eliot Jones-West | Lavender O’Doherty | Miss Hernia

Previous one end and out the other...


Laundry day