Image - Henri T


How do we get through the “C-word”? Cabaret of course. Christmas used to be called something else; you could say it had a bit of an identity issue. Yule is a show about rage and absurdity, hypocrisy, the death of innocence, the joy of a plastic toy. An infrequent addition to the oeuvre but one that has a special place in our hearts, Yule has featured some great moments of queer celebration, particularly the giant Christmas Calendar Glory Hole, and twisted twists on some yuletide classics.

Past performances

14th December 2021 | The Bethnal Green Working Mens’ Club (London)


Robyn Herfellow | Margaret Leppard | Willa Faulkner | Sophie Page | Ben Sumner | Dan Smith | Eliot Jones-West | Vyvycious | Cazeleon


King of the castle, dirty rascal


Granny Ludski's Wild Gardening